
You do not need any experience to sign up to join Care Creatives.

We offer our members personalised careers support which is tailored to each individual member.

What happens after you sign up?

Step 1 - Sign up via the Join the Community button on the Care Creatives website.

Step 2 - Once we have received your application, you will be allocated a careers support advisor who will reach out to you to set up an introductory zoom chat.

Step 3 - During your introductory zoom chat your careers advisor will give you an overview of what we do at Care Creatives, but the main purpose of the chat is to find out more about you and what support you need to build a career in the Film & TV industry.

Step 4 - Your careers support advisor and community manager will formulate a careers plan personally tailored to you, which could include things like 1 to 1 CV workshops, mock interview sessions, support in applying for industry related training or courses, support in accessing funding, referrals to Film & TV organisations, and networking events with industry experts